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Updated: Oct 15, 2023

For all of us, anger is a genuine problem. It is a problem because it causes trouble in our relationships with one another. To add to it, Jesus says it also causes problems in our relationship with God. For Jesus says, “if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First, be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift” (Mt. 5:23-24). Anger against other person makes our worship and our offering to God invalid.

So, anger, for whatever reason, cannot be justified. We must try our best to avoid it as much as possible. We have ten choices that we must make to keep our anger away from us:

1.Choose Prayer over anger

Praying for oneself and praying for other person who has hurt us will help us heal from that hurt. And praying for that person and not getting angry will surely help us nullify the effect of that hurt.

2.Choose Forgiveness over revenge

Remember the Lord’s prayer, “Our Father,” in which we say “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” In choosing to forgive it will be an opportunity for us to practice and live the prayer “Our Father,”

3.Choose Acceptance over fighting

It is wiser to accept what we cannot change. The more we try to fight, the more we get into the pit of anger. The quicker we accept, the quicker we are at peace.

4.Choose Jesus over oneself

We may want to fight and take revenge, but that is not Jesus’ way. The path of Jesus is one of peace, love, and mercy. We should choose to walk in his way rather than ours. His way always brings blessings.

5.Choose Life over death

In the first reading, Sirach says God has set before us life and death; fire and water; and good and evil. We are free; and whatever we choose will be given to us. If you want to be at peace with us and others, we should choose life. Our anger will only bring death, not life.

6.Choose pain for oneself over inflicting pain to others.

This is little uncomfortable and not easy to accept it. By trying to inflict pain to other person, we are causing more pain to ourselves. We are playing the role of the devil by trying to harm others. It is the devil’s role to cause pain and suffering, not ours.

7.Choose reconciliation over fighting

Try making peace with our enemies and see how liberating it is. We may be looser in the eyes of the world, but not in the eyes of God. In losing we win, as Jesus did on the cross.

8.Choose peace with others over offering gifts to God

It is better to reconcile with an opponent than to worship God with a guilty conscience. Jesus says we cannot stand before God with an angry heart. Jesus gives more importance to reconciliation with our brothers and sisters than offering gifts to God.

9.Choose health over sickness

Anger makes one sick. It causes heart problems and strokes and increases stress levels and causes many other health problems indirectly. If we want to live a healthy life, we must avoid life of anger.

10. Choose present over past

If we were hurt in the past why spoil the present by re-visiting it again? What has happened in the past should remain in the past. If we try to remember it, it will make us angrier. Why not enjoy the present, which is better than the past.

In conclusion, the teaching of Jesus is for us to live a more happy, joyful, and peaceful life. It is a way to sainthood and holiness. It Is more than the external life that scribes and pharisees lived, which was limited to not breaking the law and trying to please others. However, Jesus is challenging us to go deeper and more interior in order to live a life that is pleasing to God and for our wellbeing.

God bless.

Fr. Vincent Barboza



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