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Divine Encounters: Exploring Christ's Seven Presences in Advent

Advent is a season of joyful expectation and reflection on Lord’s coming. It invites us to prepare our hearts not only for the Christmas in remembrance of his first coming but also for his second coming. Do you know between these two comings there are other ways through which Christ keeps on coming to us in the Church? Catechism of the Catholic Church no. 1373vsays there are seven distinct presences of Christ in the church. Sometimes we overlook these presences or comings of Christ in the Church. Let us during this Advent Season explore these comings of Christ and use them to encounter him so that our preparation for his coming in Christmas and in the second coming may become deeper and more meaningful.

1. Jesus Comes to Us in His Word

Embarking on the first of His comings, Jesus reveals Himself to us through His Word. In the Gospel of John, we find the profound declaration that Jesus is the divine Word made flesh. This revelation transcends the pages of Scripture, portraying Jesus as the living embodiment of God's communication with humanity. His teachings, promises, and divine nature resonate within the sacred text, inviting us to encounter the Living Word in every verse and chapter. During this Advent season, embrace the transformative power of encountering Jesus in His Word. Dive into the Scriptures with faith, recognizing each passage as an avenue for a personal encounter with Christ.

2. Jesus Comes to Us in the Church's Prayer

The another coming of Jesus unfolds in the collective prayers of the Church. This profound truth finds its roots in the words of Jesus Himself, as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew (18:20): "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them." This powerful statement serves as a guiding principle for believers, affirming that whenever the Church gathers in prayer, Christ is not only attentive but actively present among the assembly. This Advent, immerse yourself in the collective prayer of the Church. Attend daily mass and other liturgical services. Allow the collective prayer to deepen your connection with the living Christ and infuse your personal prayers with the richness of shared faith.

3. Jesus Comes to Us in the Poor, the Sick, and the Imprisoned

A profound coming of Jesus takes place in the faces of the marginalized—the poor, the sick, and the imprisoned. This truth echoes the words of Jesus Himself, found in the Gospel of Matthew (25:40): "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me." In serving these individuals, we encounter the living Christ, as He identified intimately with the least among us. As we journey through Advent, let us purposefully engage in acts of kindness and service, remembering that in serving the least among us, we are serving Christ Himself.

4. Jesus Comes to Us in the Sacraments

The sacraments stand as a powerful channel for encountering Jesus because Jesus himself instituted them. In each sacrament, Jesus comes to us in a unique way, offering a tangible experience of His grace. All the sacraments become sacred moments where you encounter the living Christ. This Advent, approach the sacraments with renewed reverence. Attend especially the sacrament of Reconciliation to prepare your heart and to encounter Jesus as a forgiving and merciful God. May this encounter with the Lord in the Sacrament of Reconciliation prepare you to welcome Jesus at Christmas.

5. Jesus Comes to Us in the Sacrifice of the Mass

At the heart of Christian worship is the Mass, a profound encounter with the living Christ. Through the sacrifice of the Mass, Jesus' presence becomes tangible, offering believers a unique opportunity to participate in the one, eternal sacrifice of Christ. This Advent, make regular attendance at Mass a priority. Approach each Mass with a heightened sense of anticipation, recognizing the Eucharistic species as the real and substantial presence of Jesus. Let the sacrifice of the Mass deepen your connection with the living Savior and infuse your worship with profound meaning.

6. Jesus Comes to Us in the Person of the Minister

The sixth divine encounter unfolds as Jesus comes to us in the person of the minister, particularly the ordained ministers within the Church. This concept aligns with the theological understanding known as "alter Christus," meaning "another Christ." It recognizes that priests, as spiritual shepherds, act in persona Christi in the person of Christ. The authority to forgive sins in the name of Jesus Christ reinforces the idea that, through the ordained minister, we encounter the living Christ. During this Advent season, recognize the profound responsibility they bear in acting as tangible representations of Christ's presence. Seek pastoral guidance, engage in spiritual conversations, and participate in the sacrament of Reconciliation, where sins are forgiven in the name of Jesus Christ.

7. Jesus Comes to Us Most Especially in the Eucharistic Species

The Eucharist holds a central place in the Church's worship, where Jesus comes to believers most especially in the Blessed Sacrament. In the consecration, the bread and wine become the real and substantial presence of Christ—body, blood, soul, and divinity. If available, spend additional time in Eucharistic adoration during Advent. This dedicated time allows for quiet reflection, prayer, and contemplation. Recognize the profound nature of Jesus' presence in the Blessed Sacrament, allowing this encounter to deepen your connection with the living Christ throughout the Advent season.


As we conclude this exploration of 'Divine Encounters,' let's carry the awareness of these seven presences of Christ which in fact his seven ways of coming to us during Advent. May this season be a time of profound reflection, anticipation, and grace, as we open our hearts to encounter the living Christ who comes to us always.

Wishing you a blessed Advent filled with divine encounters and transformative grace.

Fr. Vincent Barboza



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