Today, I had the joy of celebrating Mass for school children, and the Gospel reading of the day was from Mark 10:1-12. In this passage, the Pharisees ask Jesus, "Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?" Jesus responds by affirming the sanctity of marriage, reminding them that God's original plan was for a man and woman to become one, inseparable in love and commitment. He explains that Moses permitted divorce only because of people's hardness of heart, but from the beginning, this was not God’s intention.
The Bond of Friendship: A Treasure Beyond Price

As I reflected on how to convey this message to the children, I was struck by the providential connection between the Gospel and the first reading from the book of Sirach (6:5-17), which speaks about friendship. This passage offers practical wisdom on choosing and valuing true friends. It teaches us that a faithful friend is a "sturdy shelter," a "treasure beyond price," and even a "life-saving remedy." True friends are gifts from God, standing by us in times of joy and hardship.
Choosing Friends Wisely: Lessons from Sirach

I shared with the children how school is one of the first places where lifelong friendships begin. As they grow, they will make new friends in college, at work, and in different phases of life. Some friendships will last a lifetime, providing support, encouragement, and joy. But Sirach reminds us to choose our friends wisely, for true friendship requires loyalty, trust, and faithfulness.
Marriage: The Ultimate Friendship of Love and Commitment

This naturally led to the topic of marriage. A marriage is a unique and sacred friendship between a man and a woman, where love, respect, and commitment grow so deeply that they choose to journey through life together. Just as true friends stand by each other no matter what, so too, in marriage, a husband and wife are called to remain faithful to each other. When Jesus speaks against divorce, He is not giving a harsh rule but reminding us of the beauty of a love that endures. A true marriage is a true friendship—one that should last until death.
Family as the First School of True Friendship

To help the children understand this, I pointed to their own families. I asked them to look at the best example of true friendship in their lives — their parents. Their mother and father as friends, chose to love and respect each other so much that they decided to spend their whole lives together. Their parents are also their best friends, always loving and caring for them. I encouraged the children to nurture their friendship with their parents — to be open with them, never hide anything, and always tell the truth. More than anyone else, parents deeply love and care for their children.
Jesus: The Best Friend Who Never Fails

But above all, I reminded them that the best friend they could ever have is Jesus. Jesus is the most faithful and loving friend we will ever know. He listens to us, walks with us, and never abandons us. I encouraged them to build a strong friendship with Jesus — talk to Him, share their joys and struggles, and trust in His guidance. Like a true friend, Jesus will always be there.
Let us all pray for the grace to love Jesus as our true friend and to be blessed with good and faithful friendships throughout our lives and for good married life for couple.
Fr. Vincent Barboza