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Updated: Jan 1, 2023

The Indian Catholics are proud to celebrate today – the 15th of August 2021, our religious feast (Solemnity) of Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven and our Country’s 75th Independence Day. We are proud of Mother Mary as our spiritual Mother and of India as our Mother Land. Both these celebrations coinciding on the same day is an occasion for reflection for the Indian Catholics. Here are a few points for reflection:

Indian Catholics love Mother Mary and India but we do not worship them

Indian Catholics are devotees of Mother Mary and Mother India. They love and honour them; however, they do not worship them. Worship and adoration is given to God alone. No person or country is so powerful to take the place of God. In fact, both Mothers should worship God and ask for ashirwad (blessing) on their children because God is the source of all blessings.

Indian Catholics are liberal children of Mother Mary and India

Yes, they are free children of Mother Mary and India. The present generation are enjoying freedom, but they should not forget the sacrifices made by founding member/s for their freedom. For Indian Catholics it is Mother Mary’s son Jesus, the founder who laid down his life for them to be free from sin, death and Satan and for our country it is the freedom fighters who laid down their lives to free this country from colonial power. They owe their freedom to the founding member/s who laid down their lives for this freedom.

Indian Catholics are guided by tof Law

Each member is part of the community and the society at large and it is necessary that they live in harmony and peace. With freedom comes responsibility. Each one’s freedom should not cause problems or difficulties to other members. They should know their rights, duties and responsibilities. To help them live in harmony and peace, the founding member/s gave the Book of Law called the “Bible” for Christians and “Constitution” for Indians so that they are guided and governed by them.

In conclusion, The Indian Catholics are proud to be called children of Mother Mary and Mother India. They are just 1.6% of the population and yet their contribution in nation building especially in the field of Education is commendable. The Catholic Church in India runs 54,937 educational institutions. India should be proud of Indian Catholics and Indian Catholics should be proud of their contribution in nation building. May Mother Mary the mother of Jesus in heaven intercede on behalf of Mother India on earth. Happy Feast of the Assumption of Mother Mary and Happy Independence Day of our country. Jai Hind.

God bless you

Fr. Vincent Barboza



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