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St. Teresa of Calcutta -
the salt and light of India and the world


Jesus, in today’s gospel, is revealing to us our identity in the world. He says "you are the salt of the earth and the light of the world."  If you read this carefully, he is not saying try to become like salt and light; he is saying you are the salt and light. He considers us as worthy of being salt and light after his example, who lived in this world as the Salt of the earth and the Light of the world.

Be the salt and light of the world


When Jesus says, “you are the salt of the earth,” he is telling us that we have the task on this earth to bring flavour to the people, to spice the lives of people around us. And when he says "you are the light of the world", he is telling us to enlighten the lives of the people around us and help them to come out of darkness.

Our lives have been flavoured and enlightened by Jesus

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Jesus has been gracious to us. He has blessed us and made our lives full of flavor with his saltiness. If he has blessed us so generously why not become his channel to spice the lives of people around us with his loving-kindness, mercy, forgiveness, kindness, compassion, and love.  Similarly, if he has brought us out of darkness into his marvelous light, we should also reflect his light to others. May Jesus, the Light of the world dispel the darkness of hatred, jealousy, untruth, unbelief, pride, discrimination and violence in our world through us.

St. Teresa of Calcutta – truly the salt of the earth and light of the world


St. Teresa of Calcutta is the one who made an impact on the world by being the salt and light of the world. Through her works of charity among the poorest of the poor in Calcutta she truly lived up to the calling of Jesus as the salt and light of the world. She brought joy and happiness to neglected people all over the world. And because of her work, she was honoured and respected by state, national, and international civil authorities. She went from being an ordinary person to becoming extraordinary by being the salt and light to others. Though she was not born in India, she came to India to serve the poorest of the poor in Calcutta. And this is what she said about herself:

“By blood, I am an Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus.” 

Though small in stature yet with a rocklike faith, St. Teresa of Calcutta brought smile on the faces of so many people all over the world. She was truly the salt and light to the people of India and the world. We too are called to be like her in a smaller way in bringing flavour and meaning to the lives of people. If not, then our Lord will say the hard-hitting words “if the salt loses its saltiness, what can make it salty again? It is good for nothing and can only be thrown out to be trampled underfoot by men” (Mt. 5:13).

God bless you 

Fr. Vincent Barboza

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